For those requiring a really heavy duty servo arm, the Dubro Super Strength arms will fit the bill.
Features: Fits JR servos with splined output shafts and is grey composite plastic servo arms
Includes: Two each of short, medium and long servo arms the extend in one direction from the servo center. Also has two long arms that extend in two opposing directions from the servo center
Mounting holes at: 12, 15 and 18mm
Total Length: 23mm
Mounting holes at: 15, 19, 22 and 25mm
Total Length: 30mm
Mounting holes at: 23, 25, 28 and 32mm
Total Length: 36mm
Mounting holes at: 15, 19, 23 and 26mm
Total Length: 28mm
Note: All measurements are from the center of the arm. The dual is only from one side to center. The actual overall length is 56mm.
This product was added to our catalog on November 6, 2007